I'm looking through my Thankful Journal as I turn the page for my next set of 10, and I see the entries of the thousand's before, with words like: sky full of stars on early morning run, old movies and Saturday's, finding an old book, hearing God's voice so that a graven image is unnecessary, praying through the night for a friend, the morning's quiet, fall recipes, soft hands, tumors removed, an unexpected afternoon nap, hay bales in a field, craft booths, the bang of an old screen door, the just enough, a down comforter on a cold morning, old maps, hope even in death, the smell of lavender, the blood that cleanses all my sin, airplanes that take me to faraway places and people I love, pictures on my refrigerator, morning texts with my son, the Spirit's prompts, clean sheets to lie down on, fireflies, my daughter's giggle, that I am not homeless today, scarves made of wool, buttermilk muffins, gift cards, daily bread that is more extravagant than any manna, a new book, and my man.
I have thousands of thank you's from years of recording what I never want my heart to forget. If you've never created a Thankful Journal, I encourage you to begin today. It changes your perspective. It puts your thankful's right in front of you. It makes you look for the things God wants you and I to see every day. I dare you to look today.