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An Airport of Two

I am sitting in an airport, waiting for my flight back home, and they are sitting across from me.I think they've been together for a lifetime. She's reading a Readers Digest, and he's rubbing her back. And they're together. Are they leaving for a vacation? Off to see family? Or coming home from a visit with friends? Wherever their destination may be, I'm getting the impression that they've already arrived, because they are with each other, and I think this was the plan all along. They're comfortable sitting in those dismal airport seats because their significant other occupies the space beside them. They don't seem to notice all of the busy around them; they don't seem to need anyone else in the room. He's not handsome, and she's not really attractive. His stomach protrudes beneath a shirt that begs its buttons to stay together, and her clothes are loose and frumpy. But I don't think they would sit anywhere else in this big, empty space, because this is where they fit. There are so many people in this building trying to fit into a space they see as a destination to be desired. Maybe they're just looking to land in the wrong places. These two have found a place that I desire, and for just a moment, I got to peek inside it. It was one of my favorite places on my own trip; a place I'd like to visit again.

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