I read something recently that said this: "Passion is where you are investing your time right now. If you have something in your life that you call your passion and you haven't done it this week, I have news for you: it's not your passion".
I'm still processing that.
I may not be in a Shuar village this week--I may not see or touch the faces of their children today--but I know that I am living my passion, because my thoughts and prayers give testimony to the time I invest in their lives every day from here.
Passion is not about geographics; passion is who you are. Passion is defined in your core. It's what you hope in; what you dream about.
Passion is defined by what you love.
I won't allow my passion to be bound by walls or borders. Instead, I will let passion grow in my heart. And I'll wait for the moments I'm surprised by it, when the Spirit says, "It's time to live in what you love so much right now!". I'll take the moment He gives me, and I'll live in every single part of it. And I won't be afraid that the next one won't come soon enough, or that it won't come at all, because my Father knows all about this kind of passion; He birthed it in me. It's His passion, too. He won't stop it, or let it die, instead, He'll water it so that it will only grow stronger.
And I have a feeling that what I thought was great passion today will only be stronger tomorrow, because my faith will be stronger.