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What's in your journal?

For years I've been keeping a journal. It's different from the one I write in every morning; the one where I record my observations, interpretations, and applications of the Scripture I'm currently devouring.

No, this one is quite different. This one only holds my thankful's, and each morning I sit and record at least 5 for the day ahead.

Because I want to remember. Because I want to hold to a thankful heart. Because I live in grace.

My favorite days are the ones where I get to turn the page and look back on what I wrote months and sometimes years before (because I always seem to do things backwards, I'm now doing just that as I move back to the first pages). Today was one of those days:

*Books that feed me in my longing for a faith-walk

*Clean sheets and warm blankets

*Testifying about my God of pursuit before students from Brazil, Taiwan, Chile, Vietnam, and China

*Words from a father I've adored all of my life

*Early morning texts from my son

*Food on our always Thankful table

*Possessing an inheritance that is imperishable

*When the house is quiet and only our dog's snore is heard

*When people choose NOT to gossip

*Morning walks of praise

*My Man's love for our daughter

*Food enough for daily bread (and more)

*Our sometimes smelly, always cluttered home

*Old black and white movies (when cussing and sex was not in the mix)

*The prayers of King David

*The sound of My Man's feet hitting the bleachers he can still run

*My CeCe's joy

*Leftovers and conversation

*The winds of Fall

*Precious Hannah-words in the book she gave me for my birthday

*Rising dough on kitchen counter

*My dad talking sports with his grandson

*Words of hope and life in my favorite book...God's story

Keeping this journal has reminded me to remain thankful--not just once a year, but every single day.

Maybe I've just given you an idea for a Christmas gift to a friend or family member who also needs to be reminded of the grace we live in daily.

I highly encourage you to add this gift to your list this year.

(And just maybe your name will appear in that journal someday).

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