Where is God-born?
Long ago created star rises to pique the curious mind.
Intelligence leaves astronomy maps and packs the camel down with treasure, hoping to unlock prophet-clues.
Aware of the humble state of the One whose form lay below Jupiter and Venus now aligned, men understand that there will be no crown to praise their costly gifts, but still they travel.
A caravan noticed by temple city, pomp and circumstance enters with the eager words, Where is He?
So close, the heart beats frantic for the golden pot at journey's end.
Compass star now stops, standing over the very place where the child lay in mother-arms, and the search rests.
Camels relieved of their load, the heart rejoices as deliberate steps move into the humble house.
The child-king now beheld, the weight of self breaks the knees to fall.
Wise men have finally found something to worship; Someone who exceeds self-knowledge.
Would their once-imagined treasures be enough for this sacred moment?
And could the tiny child be kept safe from Herod's death-desire?
Would meek parents be sufficient protection for a vengeful king?
Questions always remain in the seeking mind,
because the seeker never stops the search;
the learner never ceases to learn;
the star-gazer still lifts eyes to the heavens in search of God-mysteries.
The heavens told of Your glory,
their expanse declared the work of Your hands.
Speech. Knowledge. Utterances. Silent voice within me.
The Bridegroom has left His chamber, and I beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father...tiny child, Kingdom-ruler...full of grace and truth.
I found Him as a child, but will I know Him as my King?
I laid my treasures down today, but will I still lay them down tomorrow?
There was so much anticipation through all the years of calculations,
and the joy my heart felt at the sight of salvation....the wonder!
But will my heart leap again in the morning?
Will I still look toward the heavens and seek Your glory-rays?
Oh God, as this child grows before all men, let Him grow in my heart as well.
Please don't let this night pass as any other!
"Tiny child, grow in me,
until my earthly substance is no more,
until my searching heart knows as I have been known,
until my knees fall again in Your kingdom.
Own my heart.
Own my treasures.
Be my only King, forever".