Soul and spirit are changed because Holy God does great things with the humble.
Mercy rests on the one who is blessed, and the glad exalts.
It's a filling and a helping, because a promise has been kept.
The fear of the unknown from the angels' appearance has now been overwhelmed by the knowing that you were chosen; chosen to conceive the Most High.
A great name, a throne from which to reign, and an endless kingdom.
Holy Spirit power overshadows for Son of God's entrance:
the Holy Child...Jesus.
Treasured thoughts are pondered in the heart, along with Simeon's haunting words of a piercing sword.
Appointed for a falling and a rising; opposition...a blessing mixed with the hard.
Israel's consolation has come, redemption awaits, and Mary sings with long ago Hannah:
There is no one holy like the Lord, there is no one besides You; there is no rock like our God. The God of knowledge has come to silence the proud, and shatter the bows of the mighty. He kills and makes alive, He brings down and raises up, He makes poor and rich, He brings low and He exalts. The poor and needy take seats of honor, and He keeps the feet of the godly ones.
Two women who should know carol with full hearts to the God who keeps His promises;
a promise to one un-expected heart, and a promise to a "looking for"nation.
And still the heart must sing today, as mercy rests and glad exalts from Holy Spirit power.
Treasured thoughts still ponder the message: The Lord is with you,
because Christ has been conceived in the heart, and Most High God has stayed within.
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to all men (and women) with whom He is well pleased.