I invited my son to a 30 day challenge of reading Matthew 5-7 (because I'm still THAT mother, even when the son is 30).
After standing on top of the very mountain just a month before where Jesus was said to have spoken these words, I wanted to re-explore His message.
As I pictured once again the over 5000 sitting beneath Jesus, I replayed what I believe His message could actually mean.
(And because I want to be a serious follower and not a one-time traveler, I think the sights and sounds and smells should always be shared with a fellow seeker. So here we are,...together):
These people will mourn. They will hunger and thirst. They will be men and women of mercy and peace, and they might also be persecuted for the very righteousness they pursue.
They must choose the salt and light, and never the way of the dark.
They will keep and teach God's law, leaving nothing out, because their righteousness has to go way past that of the religious among them.
THEY must be the ones who reconcile. THEY must lead the way to forgiveness. THEY must always pursue, even when the wounded heart wants to sit.
They cannot harbor sin of any kind: adultery, divorce, or false oaths in business.
They will be givers, and not takers.
They will choose love over hate in reference to their enemies.
They will imitate the perfect nature of their Father, mimicking a life of impartiality and grace.
And when-never if-they give to the poor, no one will be alerted.
When-and never if-they pray, no one will hear or see them, because their audience is only for One.
When-and never if-they fast (because they will), no one will know it.
They are intentional with their time on earth, storing up treasures for heaven (because Jesus said to do that).
They will keep their eyes clear so that no darkness seeps into their soul.
They will serve only one Master, and they will love Him.
They will not worry about their day-to-day: food, drink, or clothing, but they will seek a kingdom where One reigns every day; where One controls the present and the future.
They will carry zero judgment, because they are not seekers of specks.
They are askers, seekers, and knockers of a heavenly Father, and they are in constant communication with Him.
They treat people well, because they hold to the commands of a Master they are not afraid of.
Their path will be hard, a narrow way, and they will walk it with the few (but they will not vary from it!).
They produce good fruit and their reputation guarantees the production of more, because they have built wisely and listened well to their Architect.
They dwell in a house that is secured upon the Rock; a house that no wind or storm is strong enough to carry away.
They are the blessed, and they are comforted and satisfied.
They see God, because they are His sons and daughters; heirs of His kingdom.
All that He has is theirs.
(Oh Father, may this challenge continue again tomorrow! I pray that I will choose to sit beneath Your words once again, and choose the way of the blessed).