I just googled information on our 5 senses to support what I found in Scripture this morning. Here's a direct quote: Hearing empowers us and helps us lead our everyday lives without limitations...and it keeps us safe by warning us of potential danger. I'm especially interested in that last part about danger. Here's why...
I've been reading through 1 Samuel this summer, and as I came to Chapter 15 this morning I noticed something. In the very first verse, Samuel urges King Saul to listen to the words of the LORD. When I simply read through these words, I get that I'm supposed to listen when the LORD speaks. But the literal translation here is listen to the sound of the words. That's so interesting to me. It's as if Samuel is saying, "When God speaks, it is a sound like no other in your ear; distinctive and certain. Listen for the sound. Wait for it before you move".
Saul didn't listen to the sound. He spared what the LORD commanded him to destroy, and he was not willing to destroy what he thought was good. He listened to the sound of his own words, and those would ultimately leave him powerless before his enemies. He missed the sound of what would keep him safe from danger; what the LORD knew was for his good.
I wonder how many times I miss the sound. How many times do I delight in the burnt offering and sacrifice, and miss the sound of God's voice beckoning for something much deeper, like obedience? How often do I rush upon the spoil of my accomplishments and actually do what is evil in the sight of the LORD? Am I guilty of listening to the voice of others and ignoring the sound of God's voice?
Sacrifice and meal offering You have not desired; my ears You have opened; burnt offering and sin offering You have not required. Then I said, "Behold I come; in the scroll of the book it is written of me. I delight to do Your will, O my God; Your Law is within my heart" (Psalm 40:6-8).
His word is in my heart, so I will listen for the sound that is distinctive from every other voice.
And with my whole heart I will delight to obey the notes.