Before the throne of God one day, I will bow just knowing that I will serve Him day and night (in the very place He dwells-the most holy place-where all of Glory dwells), and the knowing will overwhelm me even more then than it does now.
And He will sit on His throne (the one that only One can sit upon), and He will spread Himself---all of Him will be spread over all of me.
There will be no lack of food or drink. There will be no heat of any kind. I will not suffer in any way at all.
And Jesus-the sacrificial Lamb-will be there in the center of the throne with arms that bid me to come inside...into the deepest place of God. Oh the depths!
And Jesus will lead me over to the springs of the water of life, and I will lie down beside the quiet, and my very soul will be completely restored. I will be at rest.
His pathway there was righteousness-a righteousness He bought for me with His own blood. I only received it for His name's sake. He wanted me there, and my place there was the very joy that was set before Him as He endured what I could not, the cross that would take away all of my sin. He saw that moment all the way back to the very beginning, when He was creating the very tree He would one day take for me. And He endured, for joy.
And God, my God, the Lamb of God is waiting to wipe away every tear I've ever cried: the fear cries, the uncertainty cries, the tears over death and sickness and heartache and loss. Everything I've ever felt my heart break over and spill onto my fragile flesh will all be gone. Completely gone. Not just one tear, but every single one will be wiped away (because God is personal like that; He wants to take every tear).
The God who pours all of Himself out for all of me will consume all that has broken me in the past, and I will be free to wear an un-stained robe, dipped only in the blood of the Lamb and now made white. And I will sing: Salvation to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb! (Revelation 7:15-17 meditations)
Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be. We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is. And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure. (1 John 3:2-3)
(Photo taken of a temple in Israel when I was there in March, with my also fellow-seeking friend).