Angels meet in God's camp.
Favor is sought, yet fear returns to grip firm.
"O God of my fathers...I am unworthy of the all's.
Deliver me from the hand of fear; from the soul-attack.
You promised to prosper, and I believed Your words.
I cannot continue in this emptiness".
Night spent with uncertainty; a sleepless quiver.
Presents prepared to appease the fear-giver, passing before him in a flowing stream of doubt.
Jacob stays behind to await the acceptance words.
He waits, alone, until...
An angel meets, the wrestle begins; a faceless struggle ensues.
"I will not let you go until you bless me".
A hand moves to dislocate, finding the socket that has nestled the fear.
Pain is not mentioned in the verse, but nothing in the body will dislocate without it.
"Break it! Twist it until it comes undone! Just don't leave me here with all of this despair still attached".
The name is changed; no longer Jacob, now the prevailing wrestler.
God's face is seen.
A life is preserved.
The fear-stench is removed.
The sun rises over the limp.
And angels sing among the tents.