Moses was shepherding a flock-his father in law's sheep.
He was displaced from his home, left with no inheritance, and even with a new family, I imagine still very alone.
But on the mountain of Horeb, a bush burned.
It was a marvelous sight! But was this now unknown shepherd expecting to hear God in the midst of it?
The Scripture tells us that the LORD saw Moses turn to look, and the look caused Presence to call out: Do not come near here; remove your sandals, for the place on which you stand is holy ground.
Was it the casual look that brought His command? Was it a curious glance without reverence that made Glory stop the investigation? In all fairness to Moses, I have to ask: how would he know the difference when he had never experienced Holy words before?
I love the verse that follows: Moses was afraid to look at God, because it stops me. Am I afraid to look at Him? Do I casually step on this ground each morning, eager to investigate the daily lesson without considering the Holy? Does the bush burn with words that bring the fear of His presence? Or am I too 'daily busy' pasturing my flocks to miss the burn? My Deliverer-God has called me out to call me in to worship, to put my sandals upon the altar and bow low with my face to the holy ground. Oh that the fire from the sandal-sin would burn before the Holy so that I would be afraid to look, but humbled enough to worship!