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Making Baca springs

It's one of my favorite Psalms: How lovely are Your dwelling places, O LORD of hosts! (Psalm 84).

As I read through all of the places the writer longs to dwell--all those places where the LORD is walking--I see: courts, altars, Zion, His house. But this morning only one stands out: the valley of Baca.

The word Baca means weeping, and the writer speaks of passing through its valley. Why Baca? What I learn about this place leads me to the Selah; the moment of pause the writer often calls for.

The traveler in pursuit of the Glory-walker pulls his strength from his walks along the Zion victory road, but he doesn't dismiss the thought of walking through the valleys without the gain of strength there as well. Why? Because he makes his weeping-tears into a spring. He doesn't waste the valleys, but chooses to make something out of his sorrow-steps. And then he watches as the early rains cover those springs with blessings from the Father. The blessing-tears move him from strength to strength, eventually bringing him to the praising-streets of Zion.

That's why he can later say: I would rather stand on the outside looking into Your dwelling places than dwell on the inside of all that is wicked. He knows that even though the valley-walks are hard to pass through, and the springs gatherings are full of heavy valley-burdens, the LORD of hosts dwells in those places with grace and glory, and He withholds nothing for those who choose the harder steps.

I trust these words.

I stand at the threshold looking in and I still say Yes to the valleys.

I wrap my fingers tightly around the grip of my shield and with faith I gather all I will need to make a spring, because there will be others passing through this valley who will be thirsty.

Oh Father, do not let me waste these tears.

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About Me

I am a learner.  I have an insatiable desire to learn, so I read a ridiculous amount of books.  And, because I love to read, I process my thoughts through journal-writing. 

I guess this would also make me a writer.  

I think that a writer puts their time into something they want to read again, and hopefully invite someone else to read as well.  The words mean something to them, and they want those words to mean something to others, too.

I believe that readers and writers are also pretty good story-tellers, and there is nothing I love more than a good story.

Stories tell us the things we need to know, and not just the facts we seem to think define us.  I am more interested in someone who drives a 95 Astro van than someone who drives a new car with a personalized license plate, because I know there's a story behind it (and I love that I am married to the one who drives the van).

So I wrote a book called Tell Me a Story.  In it, you will find stories of people that most don't sit and listen to; maybe because they've never traveled out of the country in order to hear them.  Or maybe they've never really thought about the importance of just listening. 

I didn't listen because I thought I was special; I listened because I believed they were. 

I've taught high school Bible for more than 20 years, written curriculum for all of my classes, led mission trips around the world, taken lots of pictures, made lots of journal entries, and prayed every single day for the people whose faces appear in my heart.  Each blog post will take you to a story; some will be from my memory, some from my journal posts, some from people I'm around every day, and others will be from the best Story-teller I know, Who wrote a book long before I did.   His story keeps writing new stories in mine.  I hope someday to get mine published so that others will be encouraged to read more of His.


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