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Tell Me a Story
Tales from the fields of God's heart
When was the last time you listened to someone's story?

I Love Your Presence
What's your favorite word in the Bible? Have you ever thought about it? You know, it's that one word that you hear, tucked inside a...

Owing love
Do you know what the word owe means? It means to have an obligation to pay. In Romans 13:8, Paul says this obligation can be summed up...

A new song
I think there's been music in heaven since the day it was created. I also think that, before Jesus came down to earth, the words of the...

Please, celebrate me home
When the youngest son returned from ‘devouring his father’s wealth with prostitutes’ journey, there were no pointed fingers and no “I...

Set me free
What I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I want to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate. I know that...

The guy who was robbed
Have you ever wondered about the man who was helped by the good Samaritan in Luke 10? I mean, it is known as "the story of of the good...

Something new
How many times have you quoted Lamentations 3:23? You know, the one that says, "His mercies are new every morning; great is His...

When things fall apart
I just finished reading one of those "necessary" books. It was the first one on my list of summer books, and I am officially now in Day...

Soul Thirst
The Psalmist uses a number of words to express his deepest thoughts, but one of my favorites is soul. For some reason, when this word is...

What do you see?
I watched a story on public television last night that disturbed me. I tried to turn away. I tried to turn it off, but something (or...
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